

🙏 A - Admit

"I admit that I am a sinner, and the penalty of sin is death." (Romans 3:23 & Romans 6:23)

🙏 B - Believe

"I believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead." (Romans 10:9)

🙏 C - Confess

"I confess Jesus as my Savior by repenting of my sin and following Him." (1 John 1:9)


Dear God, I admit that I’m a sinner,

(Pause and let them repeat)

and that the penalty of my sin is death.  

(Pause and let them repeat)

believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, 

(Pause and let them repeat)

and that He died and rose from the dead for my sin. 

(Pause and let them repeat)

confess Jesus as my savior and repent of my sin. 

(Pause and let them repeat)

Please forgive me and fill me with the Holy Spirit. 

(Pause and let them repeat)

I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

After leading someone through the Salvation ABC Prayer, ask:
"Would you allow me to help you take your next step in your relationship with God?"
Then offer to: 
1️⃣ Give them the 21 Jump Start Devotional
2️⃣ Invite them to church
3️⃣ Take them through the Just 1 Training